3.2 Le regole della Finale Internazionale

Ecco la regola che determinerà i vincitori dei Gironi della Semifinale internazionale e, successivamente, gli 8 team finalisti, che si disputeranno il titolo di Team Campione mondiale, Global Management Challenge 2009-2010.

International Final Rules

The Global Management Challenge supports groups of up to 8 teams.
The international Final will have two rounds, a semi-final and a final.
The international final teams will be split randomly, into four groups.
This operation will be done by means of a draw.
All teams will then compete in the semi-final, in one or other of the four groups.
At the end of the semi-final, the two teams with the highest company share prices in each group will be the eight teams that will qualify for the final round.
At the end of the final round, the team with the highest company share price will be the winner of the International Final.
In a case of equal share prices in any round the winner (or winners) will be the team (or teams) with the highest company net worth.

Pedro Alves Costa
Global Management Challenge
International Organising Committee

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